Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is the usually quoted variation of a set of Cyprian of Carthage, which reads in the original Extra ecclesiam salus non est - Outside the Church there is no salvation. The idea that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, has been in the general council of Florence (1438-1445) enshrined as dogma:

The sentence has been discussed theologically controversial at all times. If he means that all the people who do not belong by baptism and faith Una Sancta Catholica et Apostolica Ecclesia ( Great Creed ), are of eternal salvation, the kingdom of God is excluded, he has not rezipiert from Catholic teaching; Rather, the doctrine has always retain validity of the countless special and hidden paths to salvation of God. So set about Pope Pius IX. In his speech, " Singulari Quadam " 1854 Affirming abmildernd and explanatory states: " In faith we must hold that outside the apostolic Roman Church no one can be saved, it is the only ark of salvation, and anyone who does not enter into it, must perish in the flood. , but we must also securely hold the fact that in the eyes of the Lord, no one is affected by this fault, who lives in invincible ignorance of the true religion there. "

Consensus within the Catholic ( and large parts of the non-Catholic ) theology, however, that the salvation of the people is the aim and purpose of ministry and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and raison d'être of the Church. The "normal state" of all people on this side of the fall is therefore evil, that is irrevocable separation from God, the source of all goodness, and mercy of the forces of evil, their destructive power is already experienced and the individual and collective, temporal and eternal death lead.

From the perfect love of Jesus Devotion to the crucifixion - and only her - go to the Christian faith, reconciliation and healing from for every person and for humanity. This love devotion continues until the end of time in the preaching and the sacraments of the Church. Their full effect, full bodily presence of the risen Lord is found according to the Catholic faith within the church, which stands in unbroken faith and sacramental moderate continuity with the apostles, that is the Roman Catholic Church and the old Eastern Churches. In this respect, applies in the objective sense: Only in the Church full salvation ( cf. Lumen Gentium, 14) is offered.

On the subjective side, in the area of ​​biographical realized faith and Christian human life, however, is both getting lost within the church as to be expected Rescued Are outside the Church. To the extent, however, as a man has recognized the salvific mediation of Christ, he is obliged to follow his insight and externally - church, as it would otherwise knowingly exclude from salvation.

To see the whole the Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions Nostra Aetate and the Declaration on Religious Freedom Dignitatis Humanae (1966 ) of the Second Vatican Council and the declaration Dominus Iesus ( 2000), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Cyprian understands salus not primarily as " eternal salvation ," but in view of the fileformat in church blessings of salvation, namely the lawful sacraments ( legitima sacramenta ) and the right doctrine ( doctrina recta ). Both can be found by Cyprian only in the Church, which is governed by a lawful bishop. The extra sentence ecclesiam salus non est so is also in close connection with the sacraments of Cyprian, in particular his rejection of the validity of donated Häretikeren of baptism ( cf. Ketzertaufstreit ).

