Fabian Stang

Fabian Stang ( born August 19, 1955 in Oslo) is a Norwegian lawyer and politician of the conservative party Høyre. Since 2007 he has been Mayor of Oslo.

Stang's parents were the entrepreneur Thomas Stang and the actress Wenche Foss. He studied law at the University of Oslo, he graduated in 1983 successfully. From 1983 to 1985 he worked as advokatfullmektig (preparation activities prior to admission as a lawyer ) since 1986 as an attorney. From 1991 on, he worked in various municipal committees, 1999 to 2007, he was for two terms a member of the city council of Oslo, where he worked in several property committees. After a short time as deputy mayor, he was elected Mayor of Oslo in 2007 and confirmed in 2011 for another four -year term. Fabian Stang is married and the father of two grown sons.
