Facial lymph nodes

The facial lymph nodes ( lymph nodes [ lymph ]. Faciales ) are a group of lymph nodes in the area of ​​the face. The lymph nodes are individually variable. In principle, it is divided according to the position in:

  • Nodus lymphoideus buccinatorius, lymph nodes in the depth of the musculus buccinator
  • Nodus lymphoideus nasolabialis, located on the nasal labial fold
  • Nodus lymphoideus malaris, located on the cheek
  • Nodus lymphoideus mandibular, located on the lower jaw.

The facial lymph nodes receive lymph from the superficial areas of the face and the mucous membrane of the cheek. The outflow of face lymph nodes via lymphatic vessels to the facial artery located in the mandibular lymph nodes.
