Facial motor nucleus

The motor nucleus of the facial nerve ( facial nerve nucleus also ) is a paired core area (nucleus ) for the motor portion of the facial nerve. The core areas are important changeover in the brain to which and from which many connections to other brain areas exist to control body movements and control. The motor units of the facial nerve innervate ( " supply " ) the entire facial muscles, the muscle stylohyoid and the posterior part ( Venter posterior) of the digastric muscle.

The specially - visceromotor motor nucleus of the facial nerve is located in the rear part of the midbrain hood ( midbrain tegmentum ), lateral and ventral to the nucleus nervi abducentis. Since the core area between the centerline and the sulcus limitans is the brain stem, this is a derivative of the base plate ( motor ) of embryonic development. The caudal part of the core area refers fibers from the motor cortex of both hemispheres, the rostral part receives fibers from the respective mutual hemisphere. He also refers afferents of the extrapyramidal tract rubro -et tectonuclearis. The emanating from the core area fibers describe an arc around the abducens nucleus, thereby form the "inner Fazialisknie " ( genu internum facial nerve ) and exit on the lateral surface of the medulla oblongata at the lower margin of the pons.

  • Heartland
  • Cranial nerve