
The term Fact- Finding (English for fact-finding; investigation ) comes in German and in English-speaking countries often in a connotation of human rights abuses and conflicts related, but can be generally used in the sense of the word.

So Fact Finding trying to find facts about human rights violations and conflicts as a precursor to conflict prevention.

In Agenda for Peace, the fact-finding is cited as a means of conflict prevention. It is here not yet settled, but trained interviewers ask about human rights violations and conflicts.

Often you can make no image of the conflict otherwise. The UN, as well as the OSCE have problems to find enough qualified staff for such actions. For the Fact-Finder/innen must be trained not only in interview techniques, but also in the national language. Previously there were only a few such fact-finding missions, including in Moldova. There, thus, a larger conflict was avoided. The OSCE has led this mission.
