
Factiva is a service offered by Dow Jones commercial database for the press, business and economic information ( host ( database provider ) ). The Media Pool Factiva covers approximately 35,000 news sources from 200 countries in 26 languages, including newspapers, magazines, pictures and more than 400 news organizations. Exclusive to Factiva are the Wall Street Journal and the news agencies of Dow Jones and Reuters. Factiva also supplies company profiles, financial and fund - data, historical market data, and web and blog content.


In May 1999, Dow Jones and Reuters formed a joint venture under the name Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive, the bundled archive products of both companies .. The company was renamed in 1999, Factiva.

Factiva modules developed in collaboration with Microsoft, Oracle Corp.. , IBM and Yahoo! and cooperated with companies such as Euro Spider, Comintell, PeopleSoft, MediaMap, Biz360, Choice Point, BTRadianz, AtHoc and Reuters.

With the acquisitions of the British reputation and technology specialists 2B Reputation Intelligence Limited Factiva built in 2005, the product line for the media analysis. As part of Hill & Knowlton developed 2B applications for media analysis and reputation management, and had a pool of experts from the media and communication professionals.

Reuters 2006 sold its 50 percent stake in Factiva for the equivalent of 128 million euros to Dow Jones. Factiva has been integrated as a product line in the Enterprise Media Group Dow Jones.

As a product of Dow Jones Factiva was incorporated in 2007 in Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation Company.

Dow Jones is also the world's leading provider of stock market, financial and economic news. In addition, Dow Jones helps customers consistent minimization of compliance risks.
