Fadd, Hungary

Fadd is a town in Tolna county, near the west bank of the Danube in southwestern Hungary.

Fadd has 4.529 inhabitants and an area of 67.53 km ². It is located about 130 km south-west of Budapest, about 100 km north of the border with Croatia.

Alsónána | Alsónyék | Báta | Bataszek | Bogyiszló | Decs | Fácánkert | Fadd | Felsőnána | Harc | Kéty | Kistormás | Kölesd | Medina | Murga | Őcsény | Pörböly | Sárpilis | Sióagárd | Szálka | Szedres | Szekszárd | Tengelic | Tolna | Várdomb | Zomba

  • Place in Tolna county