Falkland Islands pound

1 FKP = 1 GBP (fix)

1 EUR = 0.8267 FKP 1 FKP = 1.2096 EUR

1 CHF = 0.67568 FKP 1 FKP = 1.48 CHF

The Falkland Islands pound is the currency of the Falkland Islands. Also in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, which are administratively to the Falkland Islands, it is used as means of payment, even though the official currency is the pound sterling there.

The ISO 4217 code is FKP.

My notes are used since 1921, its own coins issued since 1974. The Falkland Islands pound is (similar to the currencies of the British Channel Islands ) modeled on the British Pound Sterling and communicates with him at a fixed price ratio of 1:1.

With only about 5000 users (of which about 4,700 inhabitants of the Falkland islands including the ever stationed there, military personnel ), the Falkland Islands pound, the currency least used in the world.
