Famoudou Konaté

Famoudou Konaté ( born 1940 in Sangbaralla ) is a djembe from Guinea.

Konaté comes from the people of the Malinke and has already played eight years old when the goblet drum Djembe at carnivals his home region. From 1959 to 1985 he was the first djembe soloist of Les Ballets de la République de Guinée Africains and came to worldwide with the group.

Since 1986, Konaté regularly teaches Djembe in Europe, Japan, Israel, North America and West Africa and gives his knowledge of traditional rhythms and dances on his home. In 1991, for the Berlin Museum of Ethnology, a documentation of his music on the CD rhythms of the Malinke. In 1997 he became professor of Didactics of African musical practice at the University of Arts in Berlin.


  • Rhythms of the Malinke, 1991
  • Rhythms and Songs from Guinea, 1997
  • Guinée: Percussions et Chants Malinke, 1998
  • Hamana Föli Kan, 2001
  • Guinée: Percussions et Chants Malinke - Volume 2, 2003
  • Hamana Mandenkönö, 2004
  • Hamana Namun, 2008