
Lookout on the mountain almost 1894

The fast mountain is a 891 m high mountain range in the Saxon Erzgebirge, which is divided into the Near, Middle and Rear Fast mountain and on the east side from 1654 the mountain town of Johann George Town has been created. About the Rear Fast mountain state highway Johanngeorgenstadt leads to Eibenstock.


The pastor and chronicler Johann Christian Engelschall writes about this in his 1723 published chronicle of Johann George Town:

" The place where the exiles turned. This now would be the so-called fast mountain, whereupon anitzo Johann George city builded, whose names shall be due, because one bey least one shoot on this mountain a Churfl. Wife starcken appetite to eat felt, but after nothing, or at least do a little present had said, : That may well be-ing me a right fast mountain "!


On the Fast mountain there was before the founding of Johann George town according to the Chronicle Engelschall no more than two old mountain or Waldhäuslein whose owners built a mine.

For a request that Caspar Bernd and Christoph Meichsner on February 24, 1652 - two years before the city proper foundation - directed to the Saxon Elector Johann Georg I, is shown among other things that their grandparents had been miners. These were near the Bohemian border operated a mine on the mountain fast and there built to stay at work two colliery offices. Later, the families of their grandfathers had settled quite there. In addition to them a territory was the chief forester of Burkhardtsgruen been assigned, where they could keep their cattle.

Bernd and Meichsner now wanted to remain officially live in the inherited from their parents Waldhäusern and refresh this structurally. But because auszuroden many tree stumps in the wilderness, pits and hills were leveling and due to the harsh climate matured no grain, they asked the electors to provision of timber without the usual forest interest. On March 2, 1652 Elector Johann Georg I of Saxony granted this request.

These two Waldhäusern joined from 1651 at the foot of the mountain Almost the lower reaches of the stream width of the grinding mill dating from plates exiles Matthew Weigel. Above this mill erected the two Plattener miners Johann Melchior Poppenberger and Horbach two houses. For this purpose they had received approval from the Saxon electors on 12 May 1652.

Thus, the foundation stone was so placed into a larger settlement before 1654. Nearly two years later, then most of the exiles from the Bohemian plates on the Saxon side at fast mountain settled and founded Johann George Town.

Not far from the highest point of the mountain Almost a Holzerner lookout tower was built in the late 19th century, but which has been removed due to disrepair in the early 20th century and never rebuilt.


Soon after the arrival of the exiles began on fast mountain a comprehensive mining of silver, tin, bismuth, cobalt and iron. In particular, early 18th Jahhunders began a small mining rush. In this period, several hundred mineral claims have been made in some years, but the pits are often set back soon. For the many treasure troves include, inter alia, Angel delight. Ultimately joined the seven major mines 1838 United box in the fast mountain together.

After the Second World War the mines were aufgewältigt again by the SAG bismuth for uranium extraction. The system established in January 1946 object 01 was the first production operation of the bismuth. After a short, intensive period, which also gives the Johann George urbanites old town was largely destroyed, mining was discontinued in 1958.
