Fatherland League (Norway)

The Fedrelandslaget was a propaganda organization of the Norwegian Conservative parties from 1925 until the dissolution by the German occupying power 1940.

It was established as a foundation under the founders was Fridtjof Nansen and the former Prime Minister Christian Michelsen. The goal was to create a bourgeois counter-weight against the resurgent socialism. In 1936, the organization Hitler and Mussolini before for the Nobel Peace Prize. It played a significant role in the Stortingswahl of 1930, but subsequently lost in importance and became increasingly under the influence of Italian Fascism and German National Socialism. After the German invasion of the organization trying to establish itself as a political alternative to Vidkun Quisling under its chairman Victor Mogens. On September 25, 1940 it was resolved by the Empire Terboven.

Anders Lange, the founder of the Fremskrittspartiet, was from 1930 to 1938 Secretary of Fedrelandslaget.
