
Country is the name given to the country from which they originate itself or the ancestors, and in which a person feels rooted where there are mostly family relationships and often emotional experience in individual development were made, which are connected with this country.

In the story, such as the presence were or the feelings that people place in their native country, or the usual identification of people with their home and homeland are sometimes used by political ideologies to justify hostility to other people and their homelands (eg in war or internal political instability).


The German word " fatherland " is occupied for the first time towards the end of the 11th century in Summarium Henrici and introduced already in Middle High German. The probable origin of meaning to a tilling land that belongs to the Father, expanded over time until " Fatherland" include origin and membership area of people, creatures, objects and abstractions, and could even be personalized.

The meaning of " paternal plot " was replaced over time by the fact that the word " fatherland " was used almost exclusively as a translation of the Latin word " patria " in German, which also most connotations of this term since ancient times in Latin literature triggered, were transferred to its counterpart in the German language.
