Favila of Asturias

Fáfila (Spanish: Favila ) ( † 739 ) was the son of the first king (or prince ) of Asturias, Pelayo, and was 737 after the death of his father 's successor. He built in the then capital of the kingdom, Cangas de Onis, the Church of Santa Cruz, whose dedicatory inscription is obtained from 737. There Fafilas wife Froiliuba and not mentioned by the king's sons are mentioned. According to chroniclers Asturian Fáfila was killed on the hunt of a bear. Apparently no male descendants Pelayo were after his death more alive or they were minors; therefore came 739 Alfonso, the son Pelayo, to power. About Fafilas children and their destinies make the trusted sources no further details.

Source expenditure

  • Yves Bonnaz ( eds): Chroniques asturiennes. Editions du CNRS, Paris, 1987, ISBN 2-222-03516-3 ( Latin text of the main sources with French translation and detailed commentary )
  • Juan Gil Fernández ( eds.): Crónicas Asturianas, Oviedo, 1985, ISBN - 84 600-4405 -X ( Latin text and Spanish translation )