
Favorinus ( Favō'rīnus ) a philosopher and sophist was the first / second Century AD from Arelate ( Arles ), its direction after a skeptic, students and listeners of Dion Chrysostom. He has appeared in Rome, Athens, Corinth and Ionia and was a friend of Plutarch, who gave him his treatise De primo frigido dedicated ( primarily via the Cold ). His opponent was Polemon of Laodicea; therefore, he was perhaps under Hadrian banished to Chios. Under Antoninus Pius Favorinus be held again in Rome, where he enjoyed great popularity with the public, and eventually lived permanently in Rome.

Favorinus authored numerous writings philosophical, especially popular - philosophical content, epideictic declamations and speeches, especially the ἀπομνημονεύματα ( Memoirs ), a minimum of five -volume work on the history of philosophy, and the παντοδαπὴ ἱστορία ( Manifold investigation ), 24 books comprehensive Realenzyklopädie partly philosophical-historical content that may Diogenes Laërtius used. Of his works, only titles and fragments have survived except three speeches. He wrote an artificial, overloaded style with many classic quotes.


  • Three speeches, two of them handed down under Dion Chrysostom, are attributed to him: Dion Chrys. or. 37: Κορυνθιακός ( The Corinthian ), a description of Corinth.
  • Dion Chrys. or. 64: περὶ τύχης ( About the Tyche ), discussion of fate.
  • Papyrus find: περὶ φυγῆς ( About exile ), written in Chios, his exile.


  • Philostratus is a biography, he calls him ανδρόθηλυς ( androgynous ) and εὐνοῦχος ( eunuch ), vit. soph. 1,8.
  • Polemon confirmed Philostratus: sine testiculis natus ( Richard Foerster, ed, Scriptores Physiognomonici 1, 160, 10, Teubner, Leipzig, 1893).
  • Gellius mentions and quotes him in many places, such as 1, 3, 27; 2, 12, 5
  • Suda under the heading Φαβωρῖνος.