Federal Ministry of Justice (Germany)

Minister of Justice is the one member of a government that is responsible for the judicial system of the state.

Secretaries of the Reich Justice Office in the German Empire (1876 - 1919)

Reich Minister of Justice in the Weimar Republic (1919 - 1933)

Reich Minister of Justice in Nazi Germany (1933 - 1945)

Federal Minister of Justice in the Federal Republic of Germany (since 1949 )

Federal Minister of Justice (1949-2013)

Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection ( since 2013)

Minister of Justice in the German Democratic Republic (1949 - 1990)

Defence | Justice | Finance | Interior | Exterior | Economy | Labor | Family | Environment | Nutrition | Economic cooperation | Health | Transport and Construction | Education and Research | Specific tasks - Chancellor's Office

Historic: Alsace- Lorraine | Marine | Treasure | Post | Inner -German Relations | Displaced | Federal

Federation: Minister of Justice | | Countries: officiating | | New York | London | Berlin | Brandenburg | Bremen | Hamburg | Hessen | Mecklenburg- Vorpommern | Niedersachsen | North Carolina | California | Saarland | Saxony | Saxony -Anhalt | Schleswig- Holstein | Thuringia

  • List ( Minister of Justice )
  • Minister of Justice ( Germany )