Federal Trade Commission

Julie Brill, Commissioner

William E. Kovacic, Commissioner

Edith Ramirez, Commissioner

Joni Lupovitz, Chief of Staff

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC to German as " Federal Trade Commission " ) is an operationally independent federal agency of the United States of America, based in Washington, DC It currently has 1,200 employees. The Federal Trade Commission is headed by five Commissioners, nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. According to the FTC Act, no more than three Commissioners may belong to the same political party.

It was founded in 1914 as a successor to the Bureau of Corporations and is responsible for merger control and consumer protection. It operates in direct complaints from consumers or businesses against individual companies. You can do further investigations even when requests of Congress or publications in the press.

The task of the authority is generally described thus to address unfair and deceptive practices to ensure the functioning of a competitive market specific. She goes here beyond the task of a competition authority, by assuming also tasks of consumer protection.
