Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging

The Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV, Netherlands Trade Union Confederation) is a Dutch trade union. With about 1.2 million members, it is in the Netherlands, the largest of its kind


The FNV created in 1976 as part of discussions over several unions intensified cooperation. At the time of pillarisation the Netherlands, the individual population groups had their own union, three of these, the Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen (NPT, socialist ), the Nederlands Katholiek Verbond (NAB, Catholic) and the Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond (CNV, Reformed) were at involved in the discussions that took place at a time when the social significance of pillarisation had already decreased significantly. Since the CNV but decided to continue as an independent trade union, the union only between the NPT and the NAB came about. First, the two unions remained within their union still exist as individual units, with the formal merger on January 1, 1982, they finally listened to exist. The first chairman of the FNV was Wim Kok, who had previously been since 1973 Chairman of the NPT.

Mission and structure

The FNV primarily represents workers from diverse occupational groups. She is instrumental in the negotiation of collective agreements ( Ndl Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst, CAO ) involved. The supreme decision -making body is the Federatiecongress, which occurs at least once every four years and is made up of representatives of the trade unions. The Federatiecongress elects the members of the Executive Board ( Federatiebestuur ), which consists of four people. The Federatieraad consists of the Executive Board and the chairman of the trade unions. It meets every two weeks.

The FNV is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation. It currently consists of the following unions:

  • ABVAKABO Workers ( Government Service)
  • AOb (Education)
  • FNV Bondgenoten (industry, trade, transport, services )
  • FNV Bouw ( construction )
  • FNV Kiem ( Arts and Media )
  • FNV Horecabond ( Restaurant / Hotel)
  • FNV Mooi (Cosmetics industry )
  • NPB (Police)
  • Nautilus NL (shipping )
  • NVJ (journalists )
  • AFMP (military )
  • Marver ( Border Protection )
  • Fed. FNV Sport (Sport)
  • FNV Zelfstandige (self / self-employed )
  • Zelfstandigen bouw (self-employed in the construction sector )
  • FNV Vrouwenbond ( Women's Association )

