Femoral vein

The femoral vein (Latin for " femoral vein " ) is a powerful venous blood vessel that continues the course of the popliteal vein and the femoral artery of the same name on the front and inside of the thigh is called the adductor canal ( adductor canal ) accompanied. In the proximal ( proximal ) section it is relatively close to the surface and passes between the musculus pectineus or the filled with loose connective tissue and single lymph node femoral canal ( medial / inside) and the femoral artery (lateral / outside) through the lacuna vasorum below the inguinal ligament ( inguinal ligament ) by. Shortly before she takes the deep femoral vein from the depths of the thigh and above the muscle fascia extending saphenous vein. After passing into the basin it is called analogous to the artery external iliac vein. Immediately below the inguinal ligament, the femoral vein to achieve good for punctures or the construction of a central venous catheter. Despite their relatively superficial location, it is one of the deep or central veins.

In the domestic mammals the femoral vein runs from the lacuna vasorum on the leg gap to the knee.
