Ferdinand Falkson

Ferdinand Falkson (* August 20, 1820 in Königsberg ( Prussia); † August 31, 1900 ) was a German - Jewish doctor, writer and politician.


Falkson studied medicine at the Albertus University of Königsberg and was a member of the Burschenschaft generality and 1839, the fraternity Hochhemia Königsberg. In 1842 he received a doctorate in med. 1845 he baptized. There was refused permission to marry him anyway, he went to England and married there in 1846. Upon his return to Königsberg he was accused of violating the law. The process dragged on for three years and was won by Falkson 1849. His struggle for the recognition of inter-religious marriages aroused in the Kingdom of Prussia stir, especially since he had used early on for liberalism. From 1861 to 1867 he was chairman of the liberal artisan association and city councilor in Königsberg.

A son was Franz Falkson.


  • The liberal movement in Königsberg
  • Tristan and Isolde, 1839
  • Mixed marriages between Jews and Christians, 1845
  • The Emancipation of the Jews and the emancipation of thought ends in 1845
  • Documents in the file of my marriage Processes, 1845, 1847
  • Giordano Bruno, 1846
  • Goethe and Charlotte Kestner, 1869
  • Three weeks in Brüsterort, 1874
  • Memoirs ( 1840-48 ), 1888
  • Travel Pictures, 1890
  • Late summer trips, 1890