Fernando Errázuriz

Fernando de Errazuriz y Martínez de Aldunate ( born June 1, 1777 Santiago de Chile, † August 16, 1841 ) was a Chilean politician. In 1831 he served on an interim basis as president of his country.

He participated in the legendary Unabhängigkeitsrat of 1810 and was elected in 1811 for the province of Rancagua in the first Chilean National Congress. Errazuriz actively participated in the Chilean War of Independence and was taken prisoner in the course of the Spanish military successes in 1814 by the royal colonial troops. Only with the victory of the Chilean independence fighters in the Battle of Chacabuco in 1817 he obtained the freedom again. From 1822 to 1823 he represented his home constituency in the House of Representatives.

In the turmoil of 1823, after the fall of Bernardo O'Higgins Errazuriz was elected in January as a member of the ruling junta and appointed President of the Congress under the Government of the Director Supremo Ramón Freire y Serrano in December.

Subsequently, he served as a senator for Santiago and in 1824 as President of the Senate, which made him in 1824 for representatives of the Heads of State of Freire. At the same time the national career officiated Errazuriz in the meantime also as President of the Provincial Assembly of Santiago.

In March 1830 after the end of the reign of Francisco Antonio Pinto Díaz, he was appointed in the wake of the civil war between the liberal- federal forces and their conservative- centralist opponents provisional president of Congreso de Plenipotenciarios.

On March 23, 1830, he took over the office of vice - president under the interim president José Tomás Ovalle. When he died on 21 March 1831, he served as his representative. Ten days later, on March 31, 1831 José Joaquín Prieto Vial was elected constitutional president. Errazuriz took care of the business of government, however, still for half a year until Prieto, took office on Independence of Chile, 18 September.

Fernando Errazuriz then worked further than Senator and from 1833 as President of the Congress. He died in Santiago in 1841.

See also: History of Chile

Manuel Blanco | Ramón Freire | Francisco Antonio Pinto | José Joaquín Prieto Vial | Manuel Bulnes | Manuel Montt | José Joaquín Pérez | Federico Errazuriz | Aníbal Pinto | Domingo Santa María | Manuel Balmaceda | Jorge Montt | Federico Errazuriz | Germán Riesco | Pedro Montt | Ramón Barros | Juan Luis Sanfuentes | Arturo Alessandri | Emiliano Figueroa | Carlos Ibáñez | Juan Esteban Montero | Carlos Dávila | Arturo Alessandri | Pedro Aguirre Cerda | Juan Antonio Ríos | Gabriel González | Carlos Ibáñez | Jorge Alessandri | Eduardo Frei Montalva | Salvador Allende | Augusto Pinochet | Patricio Aylwin | Eduardo Frei Ruiz - Tagle | Ricardo Lagos | Michelle Bachelet | Sebastian Pinera | Michelle Bachelet

  • Politicians (Chile)
  • Chilean
  • Born in 1777
  • Died in 1841
  • Man