Festive Amazon

Amazona festiva Bodini

The Bluebeard (Amazona festiva ), also written Bluebeard Parrot, is a parrot species of the subfamily of Neuweltpapageien. The ground color of the plumage of this 35 inches tall expectant Amazonenart is green. Forehead and eyes are dark red reins in this way during the match through the eyes is turquoise blue. The primaries are dark blue and the tail feathers are lined with yellow-green. The tail tips are yellow. Unlike most Amazonian species of featherless eye-ring is white in color but gray blue.

The range of this Amazonenart extends from eastern Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to in the Brazilian Amazon basin. It is one of the Amazon species that live in rain forests of the lowlands. The population size of the species is unknown, but it is considered as a whole little risk because the inhabited by the species to be transformed along the rivers, the river islands and swamp regions within the rainforest because of their inhospitality neither agricultural land nor are exposed to extensive deforestation.


In addition to the nominate A. festiva festiva there is the Bodinus amazon (A. festiva Bodini ) ( Finsch 1873).

