Field (heraldry)

Subfield and place is to be understood in heraldry an area or space inside of the shield. It is to avoid the mixing of the terms field and playground. The place is also described as a base.

In the field Herold images and vulgar figures are arranged. Of unmarried shields, it is only the color ( tincture ) or the Damaszierung in a field.

The emergence of the fields is due to a meaningful Schildaufgliederung by a single or multiple division and / or cleavage and graft thereof. Repeatedly through images ( geometric shapes ) divided fields are called places. Not every plate with squares is a shield with as many fields.

The example shows a "split " shield with two red bars in silver back ( heraldic left, from the viewer's right) and only red ( with common figure) front ( heraldic right from the viewer's left). There are two fields (rear and front, or right and left), but by the two beams back five places of two bars and three silver " interstices " created.

The reason for the difference is that on each of the courses a common figure could stand. Front in Red is a white glaive, but it could also be related to the two red bars lilies, and white as crosses. Thus there are two fields for this coat of arms images ( one used ), and six places for figures (one used ). Are the squares common figures or heraldic animals applied is the place to pitch.
