Fiji Hindi

Spoken in

  • Indo-European languages Indo-Aryan languages East Central Indian languages Fiji Hindi




Fiji Hindi (English Fiji Hindi ), also known as Fijian Hindi or Fijian Hindustani, is a language that is spoken by most Fijian citizens of Indian descent. It is derived mainly from the Awadhi and Bhojpuri language or dialects of Hindi and also contains words from other Indian languages.

Fiji Hindi has borrowed a large number of words from Fijian and English. The relationship between Fiji Hindi and Hindustani similar to the relationship between Afrikaans and Dutch. Unique in Fiji Hindi is that a large number of words was that adapted itself to the new environment. Fiji Indians first-generation use the language, which is also known as Fiji Baat, as a lingua franca. Recent studies by linguists have confirmed that Fiji Hindi is a dialect, although it is based on Hindi, but unlike the Hindi in India has its own grammar and its own vocabulary that is appropriate for Fiji.
