Financial Secrecy Index

The Financial Secrecy Index ( Financial Secrecy Index, FSI ) of the Tax Justice Network lists the potential damage of the shadow economy ( finance ) in 82 countries and territories. Switzerland was 2013 hereafter first, Germany and Austria in eighth place at achzehnter of the most important financial centers in the shade.

Determination of the values

The Financial Secrecy Index combines qualitative and quantitative data to determine how much represents the proportion of an area or country in the shadow financial economy. The two values

  • Confidentiality and value
  • Proportion of the area or country in the global market for cross-border financial services, namely global weighting.

The data base are laws, regulations and international agreements.

"Shadow financial centers with higher values ​​are non-transparent for foreign investors and investments, give less information about their customers price and exchange less information with authorities in other countries. They also offer less effective mechanisms to combat money laundering. This makes them attractive for illicit financial flows, the plant and smuggling. "

Using the quantitative data are weighted the results of the secrecy value. This pushes the shadow of TJN financial index considers the size of the potential damage from, " caused by regulatory gaps or privacy practices in a given country / area ".

The Index 2012

Higher values ​​of secrecy and global weighting each have to go to larger damage potential. The larger the FSI value, the greater the damage potential of a place, which is reflected in the rankings. The FSI value is called the potential damage.
