Find a Grave

Find a Grave (or Find A Grave ) is an online database of cemeteries and tombs, which allows the user to locate graves of famous people or civilians.

The site was founded in 1995 by Jim Tipton. Background was the fact that he could find on the Internet any page that dealt with his hobby of visiting graves of famous people. With time and demand grows, the site was expanded. In addition to the Famous People Search ( celebrity search), there is now the possibility to search for graves of civilians. According to the company about 102 million entries were included in July 2013.

The website includes a list of cemeteries and tombs around the world. American cemeteries are organized by state and county. Many cemeteries there are also photos. Are registered for each grave mostly the following information available: birth date and place and date of death and place of biographical information on the deceased, information about the cemetery and the location of the tomb and photos. Finally, there is information on each employee who wrote the article. The search can be both localized as well be conducted individually. So it is possible, among other things, to find out which person is buried in what city.

The selection of the site is free, which is financed by the displaying banner ads. Search queries on the database can be performed by non- registered users to enter new data, but registration is required.
