
39.90713611111120.058888888889Koordinaten: 39 ° 54 'N, 20 ° 4' O

Finiq ( Albanian: Finiqi; Greek Φοινίκη ) is a small village in southern Albania. It is located in the northern part of the Vurgo level between the cities of Saranda and Delvina, about eight kilometers from the sea. Finiq is the center of the municipality of the same name, which also includes the villages Vrion, Clirim, Vromero / Bregas, Karahaxh, Shën-Jan/Blerimas and Mavropull / Buronja belong. Total live 1333 inhabitants in the municipality (2011 census). Local authorities, however, give numbers of inhabitants by 6350. The municipality is located in the district of Delvina and is bordered to the west and south by the district of Saranda.

On a long hill to the east of the village are the ruins of ancient Phoinike. Of this name, also the present name comes from. Another area point of interest is the Church of Mesopotam.

Many residents have Greek as their mother tongue.

In Finiq Irini Qirjako was born, which is one of the most popular folk singers of southern Albania.
