Flag of Chad

The flag of the Republic of Chad, was launched on 6 November 1959 after the country became autonomous.

Description and significance

The national flag is a combination of the French tricolor and the pan-African colors: a vertical tricolor with (from left to right) a blue, a yellow and a red box.

The blue symbolizes the clear sky, hope, and the southern part of the country. The yellow part represents the many deserts in the north of the country and the sun. The red symbolizes progress, unity and the willingness of citizens to sacrifice for the country.


Since 1989, his socialist Romania national emblem removed from the flag, both countries have national flags with the same colors and the same aspect ratio (2:3) and the same arrangement of colors. The only and hardly recognizable at first glance difference lies in the shade of the blue stripe. While the flag of Romania has a medium blue tone, Chad took over the very dark blue in the former colonial power France. The Civil Flag of Andorra, in addition to a different color also a different aspect ratio. Furthermore, slightly wider than the outer two of the at its central strip. The flag of Moldova also leads the national emblem of the country.
