Flame-breasted Sunbird

The sun sunbird ( Cinnyris solaris, formerly Nectarinia solaris ) is a Southeast Asian representative of the family of sunbirds.


Striking is the bright orange chest, which is why he is called in English, Flame -breasted Sunbird. Back, wings and head are olive green in color. Face and neck are covered with shiny blue feathers.

As a species we distinguish C. s exquisita ( on the island of Wetar ) and C. s Solaris ( on the islands of Sumbawa and Timor). The assignment of the population to Atauro ( between Wetar and Timor ) has not yet occurred.

Occurrence and habitat

The sun sunbird lives on most of the Lesser Sunda islands of Sumbawa in the west to Timor in the east. Here he finds himself in tropical dry forests and bushland up to an altitude of about 1000 m. But he is missing on the southern islands of Sumba and Sawu. The population is considered stable.
