Flat UI Design

The term flat design (from the English flat flat and design Design ) has its origin in interface design. It is a graphically minimalist design style.


2010 Flat Design in Windows Phone 7 was used. In 2012 it was perceived with the release of Windows 8 on a wider scale. Optimized for touch screens tiles Modern UI are implemented here in flat style.

2013 also put Apple with its iOS operating system 7 elements of this design style one.


When Flat design is omitted a realistic representation of textures, embellishments, drop shadows and three-dimensional elements and the approach of "less is more " approach. The focus is on reducing the design to the essentials. Color contrast is often used intensively; For example, Windows 8 is much more colorful than the previous version.

Unlike the Skeuomorphismus

Flat design has evolved as a countercurrent to the Skeuomorphismus in the real pictures ( like an analog clock, an analog compass ) can be used with paper textures and gradients to simulate real interactions in the interface design. In this way, possible interactions such as " push a button " recognized by the user immediately. When Flat design dispenses with that assistance and pursues an independent from the real world design. However, this can create problems where interaction possibilities such as buttons the user can be identified as such no longer unique.
