Flavescent Warbler

Gilbwaldsänger ( Basileuterus flaveolus )

The Gilbwaldsänger ( Basileuterus flaveolus ) is a small passerine bird in the genus Basileuterus in the family of warblers ( Parulidae ). The distribution area is located in South America. The IUCN lists the species as " not at risk " (Least Concern ).


Gilbwaldsänger reach a body length of 14.5 centimeters. The wing length is 6.3 to 6.7 inches in the male, the female from 5.9 to 6 inches. Adult Gilb Warbler and young birds from the first year wearing an olive crown, neck and top of plumage. The wings are dark brown with olive green feather edges. The olivgelben ear covers run down yellow. The broken eye-ring, the Superciliarstreifen, the olive green runs behind the eye and the underside plumage with slightly faded olive flanks are yellow. About the eye runs a dark oliver black eye stripe. The bill is blackish; legs bright orange flesh color.

Resources, nutrition and reproduction

The main distribution area is located in the central -east of South America. Deposits are found in the south of Brazil, in the east of Bolivia, as well as in eastern Paraguay. Isolated populations exist further to the north by Venezuela, and on the border with Colombia ( Táchira and the Norte de Santander). They inhabit low-lying dry deciduous forests and gallery forests and overgrowing clearings usually below 1000 meters. In the north of Venezuela, they occur at a height of 1350 meters in cloud forests.

Gilbwaldsänger feed primarily on insects and other invertebrates that they are looking for hopping on the ground or in the dense undergrowth. Here, the tail moves up and down constantly and is easily spread during the downward movement. Their nest they usually lay on the bottom. As nesting material they use grass, leaves and vegetable fibers. A clutch usually consists of three eggs. About the Bebrütungs and nestling period, there are no studies. In the northeast of Colombia in late October, a brooding female was sighted and in southeastern Brazil, in September a copy from the nest.


Pictures of Flavescent Warbler
