
53.5485039.984298Koordinaten: 53 ° 32 ' 55 "N, 9 ° 59 ' 3" O

The theater Fleet Street was handed over on 9 March 2006 in Hamburg with a performance of I against me by Dostoyevsky, directed by Angela Richter his determination.

It was then provided by art patron Jochen Waitz free the young director Alex cancer available, who studied in Hamburg at the Institute of Theatre, Music theater and film.

The theater, which offers 120 square meters to 100 seats is designed to give young artists changing space for avant-garde pieces, on the six by six meters big stage next to the theater and discussions and concerts are held. Furthermore, old films are brought close to the audience.

At the beginning of 2011 a resident program was launched, which is designed for a two-to six-month reconfiguration of an event venue. The first program participants was the collective one | TwoFour. It was followed by the Hamburg theater group " The trainees ," the performer Johanna Castell, the visual artist Mirela Baciak and Nicholas Hoffman and choreographer Navina Neverla. Currently, the interdisciplinary " costa compagnie " with their project " Fukushima, my love. A reality research." Resident.

The theater is located in the New Town, Admiralty Road 71
