
Flexibacter is a genus of bacteria belonging to the department of Bacteroidetes. The type species is Flexibacter flexilis. Species of Flexibacter are important soil bacteria and make probably a significant contribution to the decomposition of plant residues.


The cells are rod-shaped and Flexibacter from 0.2 to 0.6 microns wide and 10-50 microns long. Flagella are not present. The cells are filamentous, they form long filaments. These filaments disintegrate mostly in older cultures in short rods. Flexibacter is motile by gliding. Spores are not formed. The Gram test is negative. The colonies are yellow to orange or red colored, but sometimes very dull or very farbenlos. The pigments are carotenoids and / or Flexi Rubin in many species.

Growth and metabolism

Species of Flexibacter are aerobic, the type F. canadensis ( now run as Solitalea canadensis) is a facultative anaerobe. Metabolism is chemo- organotroph. Most species can hydrolyze chitin. The filaments attach themselves to plant residues by sliding it can open up new areas. They are found in soil and water sediments in sea and fresh water on plant debris. In contrast to the closely related species of bacteria and Cytophaga Sporocytophaga but cellulose can not be used.


The following types are known:

  • Flexibacter elegans (ex Lewin 1969, non Soriano 1945) Reichenbach 1989
  • Flexibacter flexilis Soriano 1945
  • Flexibacter litoralis Lewin 1969
  • Flexibacter polymorphus Lewin 1974
  • Flexibacter roseolus Lewin 1969
  • Flexibacter ruber Lewin 1969

Some species were converted. Thus, for example, the type Flexibacter columnaris out as Flavobacterium psychrophilum, is the causative agent of the fish disease cold water disease of salmonids.

