Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

The flexor carpi ulnaris (Latin for "elle mutual Flexor " or " ulnar Flexor ") is a skeletal muscle and a superficial flexors of the forearm. He is the Leitmuskel for the artery, vein and the ulnar nerve. The tendon can be proximal to the peas humps ( pisiform ) light touch, as it does not pull through the carpal tunnel.

The muscle has two origins, and thus two muscle heads

  • Humeral head (Latin: humeral head)
  • Caput ulnar (Elle head)


The flexor carpi ulnaris flexes the hand at the wrist. But in humans it takes mainly the ulnar deviation ( bending of the hand toward the little finger ).


With an increase in the muscle by an additional burden a compression syndrome can occur when the ulnar nerve is pressed, as this may pass through between the two origins of the medial epicondyle and the olecranon ( cubital tunnel syndrome )

  • Skeletal muscle of the upper limb