Flexor pollicis longus muscle

The flexor pollicis longus (Latin for " long Daumenbeuger ") is a skeletal muscle and the deep flexors of the forearm. Its tendon passes through the carpal tunnel ( carpal tunnel ). The flexor pollicis longus flexes the thumb to the end member and the hand at the wrist.


In about 30% of cases the muscle has an origin at the medial epicondyle of the humerus additional, the ( " humeral head " ) is referred to as humeral caput.

The flexor pollicis longus is a spin-off of the flexor digitorum profundus. In some cases, the flexor pollicis longus tendon radiates into the flexor profundus digitorum tendon, which leads to a disturbing Mitbeugung of the index finger at a thumb flexion.

  • Skeletal muscle of the upper limb