Floating island (dessert)

Snow eggs (French Œufs à la neige ), in Austria Schneenockerl with Kanarimilch, Poland zupa nic, Hungary madártej and Romania Lapte de pasăre (both " bird milk ", not to be confused with the confection "Bird's milk ") is a dessert made of cooked in milk cam from egg white and English cream or vanilla sauce.

To prepare firmly whipped sweetened egg white is the spoonful poached in hot, sweet flavored with vanilla milk. After cooling, the cams are plenty doused with the sauce and served. For the refinement, it is customary to admit something about caramel syrup.

When similar Dessert Ile flottante (French for " floating island " ) is a meringue poached in larger portions or just cooked in the microwave oven and then cut in pieces, set in a bed of English cream. For decoration by coating the dish with caramel strands.
