Florian Ceynowa

Florian Stanislaw Ceynowa ( born May 4, 1817 in Slawoschin, district Neustadt, West Prussia, † March 26, 1881 in Bukowitz, Circle Schwetz, West Prussia, now in powiat Święcki ) was a Kashubian writer and civil rights activist.


The son of Wojciech Ceynowa (Bauer, often erroneously described as a village blacksmith ) and Magdalena born Pienczen ( from near Lauenburg in Pommern ) took after primary school to grammar school in Konitz 1831-1841. He then studied philosophy, from 1842, the medicine in Breslau, starting in winter semester 1843 in Königsberg ( Prussia).

Under the influence of the Polish Ludwik Mieroslawski in February 1846 there was a participation in a failed anti-German uprising in Prussian Stargard / West Prussia. After the escape on March 6, 1846 he was arrested in Karthaus / West Prussia. On November 17, 1847 Ceynowa was sentenced in Moabit as ringleaders to death, but pardoned and released in 1848 in the wake of the March Revolution by the Prussian King.

1851 took place in Berlin, the Doctor of Medicine, but due to abuse of the medical relationship of trust towards a young female patient at his first job in Bukowitz he received permanent prohibition. Ceynowa then lived of income as a farmer, but still practiced alongside illicitly as a doctor. He published in 1843 his first short story in pure Kashubian and German: The Germanization of Kashubian.

Ceynowa ever was the first writer who wrote Kashubian. He developed an independent Kashubian literary language to be independent of the Polish literary language used by then. He turned to the same extent against Germanization as against a Polonisation Kashubian ( " prefer to speak pure Kashubian as a corrupt Polish ", 1850).

From him comes the famous quote in Poland ". Casubians Pomeranians, but not everyone is a Pomorane Kashub " s 55


  • De terrae Pucensis incolarum superstitione in re medica: dissertatio inauguralis medica / quam ... publice defendet auctor Florianus Ceynowa, Berlin: Schlesinger, 1851, no ISBN.
  • Xażeczka dlo Kaszebov przez Wòjkasena, Gdansk: 1850, no ISBN.
  • The Germanization of Kashubian. From a Kashubian, yearbooks of Slavic literature, art and science. I. Jahrg 1843
  • Kile Slov wó Kaszebach e jich zemi przez Wójkasena. Tudzież Rzecz o języku kaszubskim ze zdania sprawy Prajsa. Kraków, 1850
  • Trze rosprave: przez Stanjisława; wóros Kile Slov wó Kaszebach e jich zemji przez Wójkasena, Kraków: Nak. Ksi. i Czcion. pod Sowa, 1850
  • Kile Slov wó Kaszebach e jich zemi przez Wójkasena (...). Tudzież Rzecz o języku kaszubskim ze zdania sprawy Prajsa, Kraków 1850
  • Brief Reflections on the kaßubische language as a draft for grammar, ed., Inlaid. and come. Aleksandr Dmitrievič Duličenko and Werner Lehfeldt, Göttingen: Cambridge University Press, 1998 ( = Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Philology and History class; Episode 3, No. 229), ISBN 3-525-82501-3.
  • " Maly zbiór wyrazów kaszubskich maja̜cych wie̜ksze podobieństwo w ​​je̜zyku rosyjskim aniżeli w je̜zyku polskim " [ parallel title: ' A small collection Kashubian words that a greater similarity with Russian as the Polish language '; Kashubian ] (Danzig: 11850 ) Hanna Popowska - Taborska (ed.), in: Uwagi o Kaszubszczyźnie Jerzy Treder (ed.) in Auftr the Muzeum Piśmiennictwa i muzyki Kaszubsko - Pomorskiej, Wejherowo: Muzeum Piśmiennictwa i muzyki Kaszubsko - Pomorskiej, 22001, ( = Biblioteka kaszubska ), ISBN 83-91163-86-5 / 83-88487-75-2.
  • Sbjor pjesnj svjatovih, ktòre invited skovjanjskj vkròlestvje pruskjm spjevacj lubj, vidal, Schwetz: J. dwelt, 1878, no ISBN.
  • Sto frartovek a potudrovéj czéscj Pomorza Kaszubśkjego, osoblivje z zjemj Svjeckjèj, Krajmi, Koczevja i Borov, Schwetz: undated, no ISBN.
  • Zare do grammatiki kašébsko - slovjnskje move [ parallel title: ' design grammar of kassubisch - Słowiński language '; Kashubian ], Poznan: Simon, 1879, no ISBN.