
Fluvisol (FL ) (from Latin: fluvius = river ) is one of the 32 reference soil groups of the FAO WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources ). The group consists of young soils of layered fluvial, marine or lacustrine deposits. After the German soil classification fall alluvial soils, marshes and mudflats soils in this group.

Diagnostic characters

Fluvisols be defined by the presence of ' Fluvic material '.

" Fluvic material (from Latin fluvius, river ) includes fluvial, marine and lacustrine sediments, which is fed at regular intervals or fresh material was supplied in the recent past "

It is crucial that at least 25 % of the volume of soil layering can be seen. With the depth, irregularly decreasing organic carbon contents here are sufficient as an indicator of an existing stratification.


Fluvisols usually possess only a weak Profildiferenzierung with mainly A- and C- horizons which may have partially lime, salt and sulphide enrichment. Through the influence of soil water often hydromorphic features ( rust spots ) are present.


Fluvisols are azonal soils and therefore exist on all continents and in all climates. You are bound by the flooding of coastal areas, rivers and lakes where sedimentation prevails. The ground reference group of Fluvisols occupies an area of ​​350 million worldwide. ha, where it is more than half in the tropics.

Characteristics and usage

Most Fluvisols have a high natural fertility as nutrients are regularly replenished but depending on location, client supplies material and groundwater levels have Fluvisols diverse properties, thus the potential use varies greatly. Rice cultivation is a classic use the form on Fluvisolen. On salt rich locations ( eg coastal areas ) are frequently encountered mangrove forests or other salt -tolerant plants.
