Focal nodular hyperplasia

The focal nodular hyperplasia ( FNH ) is a benign proliferation in the liver and often affects women (75 %). It is believed an association with the use of contraceptives.


Typically, there are star-shaped scars, ribbon-like fibrous septa and Gallengangsproliferate. The overgrowth (hyperplasia ) has no fibrous capsule usually.


In sonography, the diagnosis is hypoechoic dar. Upon addition of an ultrasound contrast agent, the wheel-spoke vascular supply is shown. By isodense or isointense behavior in computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the findings is difficult to detect. After contrast administration shows itself in these processes, a marginal strong contrast enhancement with central hypodensity or hypointensity.


The focal nodular hyperplasia often makes no discomfort and is often an incidental finding. Otherwise, a feeling of pressure in upper abdomen impress.


In general, the follow-up is only displayed. If complaints that hyperplasia can be surgically removed. The majority of FNH patients have taken estrogen-containing contraceptives; Discontinuation or continuation of this medication, however, in the majority of patients no influence on the growth of FNH.


  • Böcker, thinking, Heinz. Pathology. Munich 1997 ISBN 3-541-15891-3
  • Herold G. Internal Medicine. Cologne 2012


  • Benign tumor formation
  • Liver