
In focus theory is defined as a voluntaristic concept of revolution, based on writings of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara. From an out of focus, the core of a group of determined revolutionaries, the revolution should be carried into the rural population. The focus theory is also considered one of the theoretical bases of the extreme left-wing armed groups of the 1970s and 1980s in Europe, such as the German Red Army Faction (RAF ).


The focus theory derives from the experience of the Cuban Revolution, two essential facts from:

The focus theory takes its place so that in the socialist theory of voluntarism, which represents the will and determination of the revolutionary about the existence of objective conditions for revolution.

Practical Implementation

The focus theory is a central theoretical reference point for revolutionary groups around the world. In particular for terrorist groups in Western Europe ( RAF in Germany, Action Directe in France and the Red Brigades in Italy) they formed the theoretical coverage for revolutionary terrorism even when apparent lack of objective conditions for revolution and without the support of broad sections of the classic revolutionary working class.


The criticism of the focus theory sets at two central points: Firstly, accused her to put the military actions of individuals at the center, thus neglecting the political and enlightening work of broad social layers. The will of the revolutionary to the act is over-emphasized the view of the critics, while the socialist analysis of society is neglected.

The second criticism is directed against the uncritical adoption of a specially derived from the experience of the Cuban Revolution and of the guerrilla fighting in South America and Asia theory to the highly industrialized societies of Western Europe.
