Focus puller

The job of a camera assistant is essentially characterized in that it performs all relevant for image acquisition work to relieve the cameraman of the art, so that it can concentrate on the " picture-making ". The nature of the assistantship is different in the fields of film and television.

TV: current reporting

The wizard puts together the necessary materials, such as lights, ribbon material, filters, films, cables, optics, camera and monitors, in consultation with the cameraman. To the sound equipment, the assistant takes care of on their own. During the filming of the wizard is the cinematographer on hand and is responsible for the sound recording. All the work that have to do with the camera and its technology also fall within his mandate. If, when a production sound mixer here, so does not apply to the wizard, " Tonmachen " and he will usually result in a second camera after consultation with the cameraman.

Movie and TV play

When film is usually distinguished between the camera wizard (English 1st assistant camera or focus puller ) and the material wizard (English 2nd assistant camera or clapper loader ). Terms such as " first or second camera assistant " are uncommon. In small film crew or "low budget" productions can fall to the camera wizard the work of a lack of material wizard.

The camera assistant is responsible for the technical quality of the film image and the camera man works bound by instructions to. Before shooting began, he puts together the desired by the cameraman camera equipment and testing this for proper function.

Responsibility of the camera wizard

During filming, the camera assistant is solely responsible for the correct handling of the film camera. This includes the proper set-up, assembly and disassembly of detachable parts, and care and protection of the device against avoidable external influences ( such as water at a " rain scene " or explosions in the image ). It sets a desired objectives and any filter, it provides for the removal of disturbing light ideas. Besides the camera wizard is strictly no authority to take the film camera, let alone to use. The tolerated exception is usually the cameraman, who is considered knowledgeable. Even the material wizard should work directly only at the direction of the camera wizard to the camera. Reason for this is to warranty and insurance aspects.

For the production of the camera assistant 's contact point in all technical aspects of the camera department. He takes care of additional equipment, material orders and the exchange of equipment.

Craft of the camera wizard

It monitors and controls the photographic aperture, the running speed of the camera and the exposure time of the shutter angle. During the recording, he constantly (hence engl. Focus puller ) draws the focus with. Also, the switching on or off the camera is up to him (which may seem unimportant, but can lead to devastating consequences, should one be forgotten by both). Immediately after admission, he is making the so-called " Fusselcheck ", ie he controls the image window to possible impurities that could affect the developed film as disturbing artifacts (English gate check). Only after this step can control a recording are referred to as recyclable in terms of materials development, or as a " copier ".

The material assistant and other members of the camera rod ( eg a further material or assistant camera intern ) working the camera wizard instructions attached to.
