Fokke & Sukke

Focke & Sokke ( Dutch: Focke & Sukke ) is a Dutch cartoon series by John Reid, Bastiaan Geleijnse and Jean -Marc van Tol ( artist). You are using the pseudonym RGvT. The cartoons with the cheeky duck ( Focke ) and the canary ( Sokke ) appear in various newspapers.

You have to just clothing on the upper body, but no pants. The authors know from their study time. They wrote together cabaret texts and working on a comic about student life. The first cartoon of the series Focke & Sokke - Focke & Sukke hebben geen kerst imaginary - was a Christmas cartoon, at the request of the student newspaper Propria Cures. The name " Sukke " was already used for previous cartoons of RGvT. The name " Focke " was invented for the series. However, the propria Cures editors rejected the draft on the grounds that birds could not speak. However, the trio did not give up and created more cartoons. As of 1994, their efforts paid off and her cartoons appeared in the Propria Cures. Since 1999, the cartoons appear daily in the NRC Handelsblad. Besides, the cartoons are occasionally reprinted the J / M Pubers and other magazines in VPRO Gidsen. published on 4 May 2009 to the closure of the website on 30 May 2011, German Focke & Sokke on.

Have been published

In 2003, the RGvT got the Stripschapprijs Het Stripschap, an organization of comics fans.
