Fontana Maggiore

The Fontana Maggiore is a fountain in the Umbrian town of Perugia.

He is one of the " most famous [n ] of all medieval fountain in Italy ". It was completed in 1278 and comes from the most important sculptors of their time, namely father Nicola Pisano and Giovanni Pisano son. The fountain was the conclusion of a 1254 system adopted by several aqueducts that brought water from Mount Paccino three kilometers away on the city hills.

The fountain has a three-storey building. The lower most part is a 25 -gon and is made of marble. The second, middle shell is supported by 36 pillars at the edge and a center pillar. It is a 24 - corner, each second corner is drawn inward. On the top, bronze bowl, three young Graces carrying together a water -giving amphora.

The numerous relief panels and figures of the fountain is a comprehensive program based: at the lowest level are 50 fields of life on Earth in three thematic cycles shown: human history from the Old Testament, the monthly work together with the Artes mechanicae - manual work - and the seven Liberal Arts ( liberal arts ) with the personification of philosophy, while the top twelve side stage shows the otherworldly world of angels, prophets and saints, but also elevated to a goddess figure of the city of Perugia.

Prior to the corners of the second basin 24 three-quarter round -crafted sculptures are found, immediately above the outer columns. There are monuments of personalities who have rendered outstanding services to the city.

The fountain was carefully restored in 1948.
