
Formalization means the process or the result of the formalization of a thing. Something is formalized by given him a ( strict ) form, represented it in a ( strict ) form or in its implementation a given ( strict ) form is observed. With strict form of a written form is meant, whose characters are processed in a fixed order on specified manner.

From this general meaning of a scientific theory and a cultural- scientific meaning can be distinguished.

Philosophy of Science

Science In theory, formalization in the wider sense " the generalization of ( scientific) statement without regard to their concrete- empirical compensation". In this meaning, the formalization of abstraction is related.

In a narrower sense means formalizing the description of a phenomenon or the formulation of a theory into a formal language, whose axiomatization and - as the last stage - the Kalkülisierung (see Formalized theory).

Thus, the mathematical logic is characterized by formalization. It formalized a system of logic by one disregards the prescribed intension of expressions occurring in it, and these expressions are used in exactly the sense that the axioms or the rules of the system require this. " The propositional logic and predicate logic can be regarded as formalizations of everyday logical inference. "

In linguistics, there are attempts to be described by formal grammars such as the generative transformational grammar natural language.

Cultural Studies

In cultural studies sense may be referred under formalizing the resolution of purposeful actions in repeatable and transferable process steps, as is done by the control of a process organization. The philosopher Sybille Krämer speaks closely based on the mathematics of a " typographic, diagrammatic interpretation and free use of symbols " of doing acts automated.

The associated restriction of a personal and arbitrary approach can have several purposes: it can be done for reasons of transparency and equality (politics, law, mathematics ) or on the grounds of rationalization and mechanization (economic, military, engineering, computer science ). Records are both basis and result of formalization.

Relates to the formalization and historically inseparable from her is the ritualization be in strict set of processes to a habit that gives emotional security (see Rules). The linguist Wolfgang Wildgen says that " ( meaningless ) partial actions " get through formalization and ritualization a " sense " function.
