Formative assessment

In formative evaluation, the evaluation and improvement of a process is understood that takes place within pre-defined periods of time and pre-defined criteria.


In contrast to the outcome evaluation ( summative evaluation ) - which ultimately determines only a comparison between postulated and the achieved goal state - are interventions or corrections of ongoing measures taken on the basis of the obtained ( intermediate) results of the formative evaluation in order to increase the probability of goal attainment. The example of the formative evaluation of a training course / degree program can explain the principle. To achieve a significant measurable increase their verbal communication skills in students, a six-month course is underway, which includes the elements suitable for this purpose, such as lectures, dialogue and Gruppensdiskussionstraining etc.. Each every two months is performed between measurements. Here, the previously established as valid criteria for verbal communication skills criteria are raised, for example, word speed ( a), applied word variety ( b ), responsiveness ( c ), the subjective assessment of the students ( d) and the teacher (s ), etc. Due to the evaluation of the intermediate results, it may happen that the different elements need to be rebalanced, as the effect could not be determined in the predicted strength. In the formative evaluation is therefore actively made ​​to a running program impact with the aim to achieve the previously fixed targets actually possible.


At the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Vienna Twitter was used to evaluate courses formative.
