
The Forollhogna National Park (Norwegian Forollhogna nasjonalpark or Forålhogna nasjonalpark ) is a 1062 km ² national park located in the provinces of Hedmark and Sør -Trøndelag; located between the Orkla, the E6, the Gauldal and Glomma.

The park was founded in 2001 as the 19th national park in Norway in order to protect the local large contiguous and nearly pristine mountain ranges, the landscape, biodiversity, with some rare and worth protecting living beings, the mountain reindeer as well as the cultural heritage of the area.

The National Park belongs to the municipalities Tynset, Tolga and Os in the county of Hedmark and Holtålen, Midtre Gauldal above Rennebu in Sør-Trøndelag. In addition, it is adjacent to the Nature Reserves Budalen, Vangrøftdalen - Kjurrudalen, Londalen - Ørvilldalen, Ledalen, Øyungen, Magnilldalen - Busjødalen, Endalen and Ford Dalen, within the park is also the nature reserve Grønntjønnan. The eight nature reserves represent only an intermediate solution, based on the conflict, to preserve nature and protect the other, to use the land for agriculture.

Geography, landscape and geology

The landscape is dominated by small to medium-sized mountains, lakes and smaller rivers. Due to the fertile soil there is a relatively large plants.

The highest point in the park is the Forollhogna with 1,332 m.

Flora and Fauna

The most common landforms in the park are mountain birch forests, pastures and bushland.

In addition to the Scaup also golden eagles, falcons and hen harriers nesting in the park. Among the larger mammals, reindeer, moose, red deer, wolverines and arctic foxes are represented in the park. In addition to numerous small rodents, and the ptarmigan in Forollhogna is native.

Cultural Heritage

In the park they found traces of Sami settlement, which already date back a couple of millennia, including but not limited settlement remains, obelisks and pitfalls.

The Pilgrimsleden leads to Nidaros ( Østerdalsleden ) by the Forollhogna. On the basis of archaeological finds along the way could prove you that this route already at the time when the area was settled around the National Park, an important transport and trade route was. However, when the Røros copper mine into operation, the copper ore you over the mountains of Dalsbygda began to transport them to Støren, this made transportation faster and easier.

Tourism and Management

In the park there are information centers in Kvikne, Dombås, Oppdal, Folldal, Otta and Sunndalsøra. In some cases they also give information about the National Park Dovre Sunndalsfjella, Rondane and Dovre.

In Forollhogna National Park, there are numerous hiking trails and also some mountain huts. The reindeer hunting is around the national park very popular and there are also numerous fishing opportunities, especially for trout. Furthermore, one encounters again and again in the summer pastures with sheep and cattle. In several places around the National Park adventure tourism is offered with reindeer safaris, fishing, mountaineering, horse riding and sled dog tours.
