Fort Clatsop

Fort Clatsop is a log cabin settlement in the U.S. state of Oregon, southwest of the city of Astoria. It was built by the participants of the Lewis and Clark expedition and served the expedition members in the years 1805/1806 primarily as winter quarters.


The name is derived from a strain of the indigenous people of the Pacific coastal region. In the fifties of the 20th century is a replica of the lodgings and log cabins arose. During the summer, volunteers lead visitors daily life before the fort in the early 19th century. In 2005, the replica of the fort was destroyed by fire. Due to the misjudgment of a control center employee who held the reported smoke only for gathering fog, the alerting the responsible fire brigade was delayed, and then burned the greatest part down. With public support, but was immediately started to rebuild and since December 2006, the fort can be visited again.

