Fortifications of Copenhagen (17th century)

The Copenhagen Wall systems today include the 1843 incurred Copenhagen Tivoli Amusement Park, further the Ørstedpark, the Botanical Garden, the Østre Anlæg and Kastellet. Make the jobs created in a slow process of softening in the 19th century fragments of a large central Wallring Parkes represents the essentially due to railway construction and speculative late nineteenth Control, could not accept that amount as of Ferdinand Meldahl ( 1827-1908 ) 1866 ( published in Illustretet Tidende ) was announced in a forward-looking plan. The history of building development in Copenhagen so similar to that which other fortifications, as those in Hamburg or the transformation of the bastions of Vienna to the ring road area in the course of the development thrust of the late 19th century features.
