Fortress (programming language)

Fortress is a programming language, the development was initiated by Sun Microsystems. It is run by Guy L. Steele, Jr., who was already involved in the creation of the Java Language Specification.


Fortress was originally developed as well as X10 from IBM and Cray Inc. Chapel as part of the DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems program ( HPCS ). The contract, however, was not extended in November 2006 and Fortress is now being developed as open source. Fortress is intended as a successor to Fortran, tempted by the syntax but to stay as close to the mathematical notation. Therefore, the syntax is most similar to Scala, Standard ML, and Haskell. A first implementation is available for the Java platform in the form of an interpreter. On 1 April 2008, version 1.0 ( both interpreter and specification) has been released. However, many things have been removed from the specification to make it compatible with the implementation on a stand. July 2012 the development of Fortress has been set.

Representation of the source code

Fortress supports Unicode characters in identifiers and provides for numerous language constructs before their own style rules. Examples:

Hello world program in Fortress

The following program prints Hello World! on the standard output:

Component Hello World    export Executable    run () = print "Hello world! " end Web Links
