Four Great Classical Novels

When the four classic novels (Chinese四大 名著) of Chinese literature are:

  • The Yǎnyì Sanguo (Chinese三国 演义/三国 演义) - 1390 - ( Romance of the Three Kingdoms )
  • The Shuǐhǔ Zhuan (Chinese水浒传/水浒传) - 1573 - ( Outlaws of the Liang Shan -Moor )
  • The Xī You Ji (Chinese西游记/西游记) - 1590 - ( Journey to the West )
  • Hong Lou Meng, the (Chinese红楼梦/红楼梦) - for 1750-1792 - (The Dream of the Red Chamber )

These are supplemented by a further work, which originally was part of the list, but was replaced during the 19th century against the Hong Lou Meng:

  • Jin Ping Mei, the (Chinese金瓶梅) - for 1596-1610 - ( The plum blossom in the golden vase)

The Jin Ping Mei is known, despite its displacement from the canon of four classics often referred to as the "fifth classical novel".

See also: Roman ( China)

  • Literature ( Chinese)