
The term bird hunting is a collective term for hunting birds and hunting with birds. There is thus a distinction between the falconry in the next game birds and ground game is hunted, and the bird -catcher. Since hunting birds before the training also had to be caught, were once all birds of prey, wild-caught. The bird hunting was also a popular pastime. It was applied to various purposes, according to legend, by King Henry the Vogeler (* 876, † July 2 936 ).


When hawking and small furred game ( rabbits, hares ... ) is made with trained birds of prey hunt game birds ( partridge, waterfowl ... ). The Germans were known to the falconry during the time of the 2nd to 4th century nu Z. in the course of the eastern extension of the Goths. Emperor Frederick II ( December 26, 1194 *, † December 13, 1250 ) described in his book On the Art of birds to hunt falconry and ornithology. For tracking down of game birds, for example, for hawking, hunting dogs, which are called bird or hawk dog served.

Bird trapping

When bird trapping is necessary to distinguish between the hunting of birds and the hunting of small birds. Small birds were attracted to fishing grounds with lures or decoys or driven with fright agents in stretched networks. In the interior more special bird traps were often erected. It also short-term bird barriers were built or designed nets over night resting birds. Depending on season and species different fishing facilities were used. The bird -catcher was also held in so-called bird flocks.


When Tirassieren so-called chicken dogs indicated the erstöberte game birds and drove it on command cautiously forward in the Tiras, the railway network of the hunters. In England, the sporty type of bird hunting in poultry with pointing, setting the dogs developed. These lay down the ads, the Wild banishing with the eyes, so that the hunters could throw the nets over dog and prey. When Tyrassieren also hawks or kites were used to prevent the ascent of the flight game.
